Selasa, 01 Agustus 2017

Vokalisasi Hebrew (Tiberian, Palestinian dan Babylonian)

Vokalisasi Tiberian

Vokalisasi Palestinian

The most commonly occurring Palestinian system uses seven graphemes, reflecting later vowel differentiation in the direction of Tiberian Hebrew

Even so, most Palestinian manuscripts show interchanges between qamatz and patah, and between tzere and segol. Shva is marked in multiple ways.

Paul Kahle, Masoreten des Westens, vol. 2, Stuttgart 1927, plate 11

Vokalisasi Babylonian


The simple system also has signs corresponding to Tiberian dagesh and rafe, though not used identically. Shva quiescens (shva nah) is unmarked.

Paul Kahle, Masoreten des Ostens, Leipzig 1913, plate 5.

File:Bab voc fragment 2.jpg

Paul Kahle, Masoreten des Ostens, Leipzig 1913, plate 3.

Sumber :
Wiki Hebrew